Hello, my name is Joshua Fein-Brown, M.Sc, M.Ost, ND. I am Osteopath, Naturopath, and Pain Specialist. If you are in pain, I can help.
I graduated with a master’s degree in Osteopathy and Naturopathy in 2015 from the British College of Osteopathic Medicine. Since graduating I have re-entered education and completed a master’s in pain management at UCL in 2020.
In addition to working with individual patients, I work as a university lecturer, leading two modules on the master's degree course at The BCNO Group. I run exercise classes at my local GP practice, CPD courses on pain and well-being for professionals, and have worked alongside yoga teachers running classes on yoga anatomy and how to improve practice with less pain and injuries. I also worked as an osteopath and health consultant for Crossrail and SCS Railways (HS2) treating the workers building the railway and informing the health and wellbeing policymakers.
I have a fascination with pain, how it works, and how to treat it. My ongoing studies have given me an understanding and experience of the unity between mind and body. This understanding has led me to integrate the mind and the body in all aspects of my approach, both for my own well-being and the well-being of my patients. My special interest is in chronic pain and complex pain conditions like fibromyalgia. I believe in empowering patients to take control of their own health so that pain no longer governs what they can and cannot do.